
agosto 25, 2015 AmazCitSci

Categoria de comprimento:  Medium (40-60 cm)

Nível trópico:  Omnivores

Padrão migratório:  Medium Distance (100-1,000 km)

Período de desova:  Rising

Mercado de exportação:  Regional (in Amazon)

Status do mercado:  First class

Distribuição de capturas:

Matrinchã potential yield was estimated at 6,040 tons. The Central Amazon region accounts for 74% of the total, followed by the Brazilian-Colombian-Peruvian Border (8%), Tocantins (7%), Madeira (6%) and Peruvian Amazon (3%) regions.

Notas de História Natural:

The two matrinchã species (Brycon amazonicus and B. cephalus) are both omnivores when adults with a preference for fruits and seeds. Adults are most abundant in blackwater and clearwater tributaries whereas young fish are confined to whitewater floodplains. Both species are also migratory and captured by fishing during spawning and dispersal migrations. During the low water period they often migrate to the lower courses of terra firme streams where they remain in pools.

Distribution of matrichã catches.

Jatuarana Brycon cephalus
Matrinchã Brycon cephalus
Jatuarana Brycon amazonicus
Matrinchã Brycon amazonicus
Matrinchão Brycon amazonicus
Sábalo Brycon amazonicus
Sábalo Brycon cephalus
Sabaleta Brycon amazonicus
Sábalo Brycon cephalus
Sábalo Brycon amazonicus
Sábalo-cola-roja Brycon amazonicus
Sábalo-cola-negra Brycon amazonicus
Sábalo-cola-roja Brycon cephalus
Sabalo Brycon cephalus
Huayero Brycon amazonicus